Polemiche a Sanremo 2024: l’inaspettata vittoria di Angelina Mango contro le critiche di Mare Fuori

Angelina Mango emerged victorious in the 74th edition of the Sanremo Festival. Alongside the former Amici student, rapper Geolier and Annalisa, another talent born from Maria De Filippi’s talent show, also found their place on the podium.

Angelina won with 73% of the preferences, thanks to the votes from the press room. However, the public had overwhelmingly favored Geolier with 60% of the votes. This unexpected result sparked controversy and raised questions about the voting process.

Two beloved faces from the popular Rai2 series, Mare Fuori, openly opposed Angelina Mango’s victory. Maria Esposito (Rosa Ricci) and Artem Tkachuk (Pino) expressed their dissatisfaction with the outcome. Esposito shared the rapper’s televoting percentage, while Artem reposted a message from Gabriele Parpiglia questioning the fairness of the voting system. It’s worth noting that the two actors, Maria Esposito and Artem Tkachuk, starred in the music video for Geolier’s Sanremo song, “I p’ me tu p’ te”.

Social media was also ablaze with reactions to the surprising turn of events, with many expressing disbelief and disappointment. The tug-of-war between the press room and the public vote underscored the divide in opinion about the rightful winner of the prestigious music competition.

The aftermath of the festival continues to stoke debate and speculation, drawing attention to the intricacies of the competition and the varied reactions it elicits. While Angelina Mango may have emerged victorious, the controversial nature of the result lingers, leaving room for continued discussion and analysis. It remains to be seen how the fallout from the festival plays out in the coming weeks and what impact it will have on the future of Sanremo.